Raynors HCA 2016-03
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 3/10/2016
Confederate imprint, “Resolutions, Adopted by the Officers and Men of the 57th Virginia Regiment. Headquarters, January 26, 1865, 2pp., VG. In part, “Whereas the long continuance of the bloody struggle in which we have been engaged during the last four years, for liberty, indepenence, and all the sacred rights dear to men; the many sacrifices which the army and people have been called upon to make in the prosecution of the war; the many trials and dangers which beset us upon every side — and above all, the reverses which have recently befallen us — disaster after disaster having followed each other in rapid succession — have caused some of our people to hesitate, to falter in the brave, proud course which has hitherto been marked .... Be it resolved, That now is no time to dream of submission and reconstruction, when the enemy is at our very door; when the blood of our brothers, our sons and our fathers call upon us for vengeance; ... Resolved, That we take occasion to express our unbounded confidence in that great and glorious patriot, General R. E. Lee, who has so often led us to victory, and our belief that if sustained by the people, the goverunicut and army, he will lead us again to victory and success, and crown our efforts with an honorable independence and lasting peace; that we again dedicate ourselves to the cause, and express our detennination to fight to the last, to gain our freedom, or perish in the attempt.
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The 57th Virginia Regiment Will Fight to the Last, to Gain our Freedom, or Perish in the Attempt.

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Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $50.00
Final prices include buyers premium.: $145.20
Estimate: $100 - $200
Auction closed on Thursday, March 10, 2016.
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